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Psicologia Forense e Criminologia Clinica

University of Padua
Italy, Padua
Department of General Psychology Italy, Via Venezia, 8 - 35131 Padua
Tuition fee €2,642 per year

For more information please visit: www.unipd.it/en/tuition-fees

Application fee €30 one-time

This fee is non-refundable.

Deposit €204 one-time

In order to accept your place at the University of Padua, the payment of the admission fee is required. This fee is non-refundable.

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The Master’s degree is characterised by a strong transdisciplinary approach and allows students to acquire advanced theoretical knowledge and practical skills peculiar to the different areas of forensic psychology and clinical criminology.Graduates are expected to acquire skills in psychology (cognitive psychology, clinical neuropsychology and clinical psychology), law (general notions of civil and criminal law and civil and criminal procedure, with reference to forensic psychology, e.g. family law, compensation for damages, child testimony, insanity evaluation), forensic science (expert consultations for judges, defense lawyers and prosecutors, expert reports both in civil – e.g. parenting, psychic damage – and criminal cases – e.g. insanity evaluation, suitability to testify – abuse and mistreatment of minors), criminology and victimology (victim support), and scientific researches on forensic psychology.

Programme structure

1st year: Functional Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology for Forensic Sciences, Neuropsychology and Forensic Psychopathology, Fundamentals of Legal Medicine and Clinical Criminology, Criminal and Civil Procedure, Research and Professional Ethics in Psychology
2nd year: Forensic Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, From the Forensic Assessment to the Scientific Report: Technical and Ethical Aspects, Criminal and Civil Law

Elective units: Assessment of Cognitive Functioning in the Forensic Field, Forensic Applications of Cognitive Psychology, Non Paramentric and Bayesian Methods in Forensic Sciences, Statistical Methods for Forensic Neuropsychology, Forensic Criminology, Cybersecurity and Social Network for Forensic Psychology, Forensic Psychology, Psychiatry and Psychopathology, Clinical Psychodiagnostic, Developmental Psychology: Models and Applications in Forensic Contexts, Developmental Trauma: Assessment and Treatment, Forensic Clinical Molecular Biology (Behavioural Genetics), Forensic Criminology (Advanced), Cultural and Communication Processes

Thesis and qualifying work internship

Career opportunities

The programme trains professionals able to work in judicial context, where the client is the judicial authority (e.g. court-appointed technical consultant in civil proceedings, expert witness in criminal proceedings, or expert witness for the juvenile court), as well as in extrajudicial contexts (e.g. assessment of psychological and existential damage in the insurance field; technical advice on various issues-such as support administration- preliminary to civil proceedings; assessment of fitness to drive). Graduates will also be trained to run psychodiagnostics consultations and assessments and to work as Honorary Judge at the supervisory courts, expert and Honorary Judge at the juvenile courts, consultants for the assessment of the defendant’s capacity to stand trial, psychologists in anti-violence centres; psychologists in jail. Graduates can also work in academia by conducting scientific research in the field.

Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
This intake is not applicable

ONLY for EU applicants or EU-equated, i.e. applicants from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland or non-EU applicants residing in Italy

Studies commence
1 Oct 2024
Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
This intake is not applicable

ONLY for EU applicants or EU-equated, i.e. applicants from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland or non-EU applicants residing in Italy

Studies commence
1 Oct 2024