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Scienze Politiche

Tuition fee €2,642 per year

For more information please visit: www.unipd.it/en/tuition-fees

Application fee €30 one-time

This fee is non-refundable.

Deposit €204 one-time

In order to accept your place at the University of Padua, the payment of the admission fee is required. This fee is non-refundable.

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The degree programme in Political Science can offer students the possibility to acquire those scientific and methodological skills needed to interpret political phenomena at local, national, international, and supranational level, concerning both IGOs and NGOS. Interdisciplinarity is – of course – the key word.
This course helps students to acquire the appropriate methodological competences, as well as research skills, in order to give students the possibility to spend their abilities in different work contexts.
In order to achieve this goal, students have the possibility to focus deeply on economics, history, legal studies, political science, sociology, since all of these scientific fields are considered crucial study subjects. While the first two years are common for all students, during their degree programme, students have the possibility to choose – during the third year – part of their courses, in relation to their main academic interest. Thus, students might decide on which subject they want to specialize in deep.
Once graduated, students are able to analyze their economic, legal and political context, i.e., the functioning of: (a) different national/international/supranational political and legal systems; (b) public administration; © the process of European integration; social changes; (d) international relations, considering all diplomatic, economic, historical, legal, political, and sociological changes.

Career opportunities

Given the multidisciplinary approach, this degree offers the opportunity to work on several key work contexts. Graduated students can work in public or private institutions, profit or no-profit organization, at both national and international levels.
Potential job opportunities:
- Working in the promotion of internationalization within public administration offices (after a public selection)
- Working as international relations officer within the public administration (after a public selection) or in profit or non-profit institutions
- Working as public relations officer within the public administration (after a public selection) or in profit or non-profit institutions
- Working as human resources officer
- Working as public servant in general, or as a private employee.

Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
This intake is not applicable

Call dedicated to EU applicants or EU-equated, i.e. applicants from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland or non-EU applicants residing in Italy

Studies commence
1 Oct 2024
Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
Application deadline
2 Aug 2024, 23:59:59
Central European Time

Call dedicated to NON-EU applicants residing outside Italy

Studies commence
1 Oct 2024
Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
This intake is not applicable

Call dedicated to EU applicants or EU-equated, i.e. applicants from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland or non-EU applicants residing in Italy

Studies commence
1 Oct 2024
Apply now! Academic year 2024/25
Application deadline
2 Aug 2024, 23:59:59
Central European Time

Call dedicated to NON-EU applicants residing outside Italy

Studies commence
1 Oct 2024