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Scienze politiche, relazioni internazionali e diritti umani

Tuition fee €2,642 per year

For more information please visit: www.unipd.it/en/tuition-fees

Application fee €30 one-time

This fee is non-refundable.

Deposit €205 one-time

In order to accept your place at the University of Padua, the payment of the admission fee is required. This fee is non-refundable.

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The programme offers multidimensional and interdisciplinary training, in which basic knowledge of law, economics, sociology, history, philosophy and international relations focus on the theme of human rights. The aim of the course is to provide students with an adequate background of theoretical and applicative knowledge and transversal skills. They will be endowed with critical thinking as to approach international socio-political issues and to operate in an informed way in associations, corporate organisations and governmental agencies at local, national and international level.
Graduates are able to analyze the complex system of multi-level governance, from local to European and international, paying particular attention to the problems posed by groups in situations of vulnerability and with a gender-sensitive perspective. At the end of the Course, students have acquired analysis, negotiation, project development and management skills and can actively enter jobs sectors in Italy and abroad. They also gain the ability to address in a scientifically and ethically consistent way social, political and regulatory issues, to make choices and undertake actions, having as a term of reference the paradigm of internationally recognized human rights and the sustainable development goals and principles.
Graduates also acquire the basic skills to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
The course is supported by the Human Rights Centre “A. Papisca” of the University of Padova. It is also thanks to this cooperation that students can participate in international workshops, have conversations with European and international scholars, with experts and officers of international organisations, and with NGO staff. The course encourages study experiences abroad, within the framework of the European student mobility programmes and of bilateral agreements involving the University of Padua.

Career opportunities

Graduates may work in European institutions and in international governmental and non-governmental organizations; in local, regional and national public administration offices, namely in departments and offices that deal with international relations, human rights, development cooperation, peace, equal opportunities and women’s rights, children’s rights, ombudsman offices, social services; in the field of information/communication and training on human rights and human development; in trade union and corporate offices dedicated to international relations, cooperation, social dialogue, corporate social responsibility; in the nonprofit sector and the charities, in particular in transnational non-governmental organizations.

Apply now! Academic year 2025/26
Application period has ended
Studies commence
1 Oct 2025
Apply now! Academic year 2025/26
Application deadline
2 May 2025, 23:59:59
Central European Time
Studies commence
1 Oct 2025
Apply now! Academic year 2025/26
Application period has ended
Studies commence
1 Oct 2025
Apply now! Academic year 2025/26
Application deadline
2 May 2025, 23:59:59
Central European Time
Studies commence
1 Oct 2025